Efficiency and Speed: AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data, analyze legal precedents, and consider various factors makes it a valuable tool for generating well-structured and comprehensive legal proposals. This expedites the law-writing process, enabling more timely responses to emerging issues or societal needs.

Collaborative Input: While AI can assist in writing laws, the direct democracy application ensures that citizens retain control over the legislative process. Users can contribute their perspectives, insights, and concerns to the proposed laws through discussions, amendments, and feedback within the app.

Democratic Deliberation: The app facilitates democratic deliberation, where citizens engage in discussions to debate the merits, implications, and potential consequences of proposed laws. This enables a comprehensive examination of different viewpoints, enhancing the quality and inclusivity of the legislative decision-making process.

Collective Voting: Once the deliberation phase concludes, citizens have the opportunity to cast their votes on the proposed laws. The voting mechanism ensures that decisions are made collectively and reflect the will of the majority, aligning with the principles of direct democracy.

Continuous Iteration: The legislative process within the direct democracy application is not static. As societal dynamics evolve and new challenges arise, citizens can propose amendments, revisions, or new laws to address emerging needs. This interactive process allows for continuous improvement and adaptability.

Execution by Technocrats or AI: The execution of decisions is carried out by either technocrats or Artificial Intelligence (AI). This ensures that the implementation is efficient, impartial, and based on objective criteria.

Technocrats’ Expertise: Technocrats, individuals with specialized knowledge and expertise in their respective fields, play a crucial role in executing decisions. Their expertise ensures that the implementation aligns with industry standards, best practices, and practical considerations.

AI-driven Decision Making: The direct democracy application can utilize AI algorithms to facilitate decision-making processes related to public contracts and hiring. AI’s ability to analyze data, evaluate track records, performance scores, and price allows for an objective and comprehensive assessment of potential contractors or companies.

Objective Evaluation Criteria: AI, guided by predefined evaluation criteria, can assess and rank contractors or companies based on factors such as past performance, quality, reliability, cost-effectiveness, and adherence to regulations. This helps ensure that decisions are made based on merit rather than subjective biases.

Transparent Process: The executive branch of the direct democracy application maintains transparency in the execution phase. Users can access information regarding the selection process, evaluation criteria, and outcomes. This transparency fosters trust and accountability in the decision-making process.

Public Contracts: The application enables the issuance of public contracts through a fair and objective process. AI algorithms can generate solicitations, evaluate bids, and recommend the most suitable contractor based on a combination of objective criteria and public preferences.

Efficient Hiring: AI can assist in streamlining the hiring process by analyzing qualifications, experience, and track records of potential candidates. This helps identify the most qualified individuals for public positions, ensuring competence and reducing the potential for favoritism.

Continuous Monitoring: The direct democracy application enables ongoing monitoring and assessment of the execution process. Users can provide feedback, report issues, and track the progress of decisions, promoting accountability and responsiveness.