By organizing the app into branches of government, allowing for detailed exploration, fostering discussions, and implementing a robust voting mechanism, the direct democracy app ensures citizen participation, transparency, and collective representation across various sectors of governance.
Branch Level: Users can select a specific branch and enter into that branch’s section of the app. For example, selecting the education branch will take users to the education level.
Detailed Level: Within each branch, users can delve into more specific topics or issues. For instance, within the education branch, users can explore individual schools, curricula, staffing, or infrastructure.
Proposal Submission: At the detailed level, users have the ability to suggest projects, policies, or laws related to the specific topic. For example, a user could propose building a new bridge or establishing a university within the transportation or education branch, respectively.
Discussion Forum: Once a proposal is submitted, users can engage in discussions related to the proposed projects or laws. They can provide feedback, share opinions, ask questions, and debate the merits of the proposal. This fosters a collaborative environment for citizens to voice their thoughts and concerns.
Voting Mechanism: After thorough discussions, users can cast their votes on the proposed projects, policies, or laws. The voting process can occur at different levels, depending on the topic and the depth of user engagement desired. For example, users can vote on the overall execution of a bridge project or vote on the appointment of a specific school director.
Granularity of Voting: The level of granularity in voting can vary based on user preferences and relevance. Users with direct involvement or a specific interest in a particular topic, such as parents with children attending a specific school, may vote more extensively on decisions related to that topic. This ensures that decisions reflect the interests and perspectives of those most affected by them.
Collective Representation: The average interests of the people will be reflected in all branches of government through the collective voting process.