The direct democracy application implements an unconditional 10% tax on all forms of income, enforced through the use of digital currency.

  1. Comprehensive Tax Coverage: The 10% tax applies to any and all sources of income, ensuring a broad and inclusive tax base that encompasses various forms of earnings.
  2. Digital Currency Enforcement: The tax collection process utilizes digital currency systems, enabling efficient and secure transactions while ensuring transparency and accountability in the tax collection process.
  3. Total Tax Income: The total tax income generated from the 10% tax represents 100% of the tax revenue collected within the system. This provides a clear framework for budgeting and allocation of tax funds across different branches of government.
  4. Voting on % Distribution: Within the direct democracy application, citizens have the opportunity to vote on the percentage distribution of tax revenue across different branches of government.
  5. Branch Distribution: Each branch of government, such as education, agriculture, healthcare, infrastructure, and more, is allocated a specific percentage of the total tax revenue. For example, education might receive 10% of the tax income, agriculture might receive 20%, and so on.
  6. Democratic Decision-Making: Through the voting process, citizens can actively participate in determining the allocation of tax funds to various branches of government. This empowers citizens to shape public spending priorities based on their collective values and priorities.
  7. Flexibility in Allocation: The allocation percentages for each branch of government can be flexible and subject to change based on the evolving needs and preferences of the citizenry. Regular voting cycles can be established to review and adjust the distribution percentages as necessary.
  8. Transparent Budgeting: The direct democracy application ensures transparency in budgeting by providing accessible information on the allocation of tax revenue across different branches of government. This fosters accountability and enables citizens to track how their tax contributions are being utilized.

By implementing a 10% unconditional tax enforced through digital currency and allowing citizens to vote on the percentage distribution across branches of government, the direct democracy application ensures a democratic and transparent approach to tax collection and allocation. This enables citizens to actively participate in determining budget priorities and promotes accountability in public spending.